Metalenema Episode 10-9-19
We’re back! New Pentacle on the show this week, the usual Immolation worship, and debating methods of oral sex! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
We’re back! New Pentacle on the show this week, the usual Immolation worship, and debating methods of oral sex! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
New tracks from Concrete Winds! Total death! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
New tracks from Sanguisugabogg and Cerebral Rot, plus new internet porn ideas! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
New tracks from Sedimentum, Genocide Shrines, and Suhnopfer, plus the usual idiocy! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
The guys talk about their dislike of death metal carpetbaggers, then get to playing some killer tracks! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
We’re back, finally! Thanks for waiting. Recap of Destroying Texas Fest, and other stuff! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
It’s that time again! Year thirteen of the National Day of Slayer (that’s 6-6-2019 if you didn’t know)! To celebrate this time, we are playing a slew of covers from underground bands from across the globe. Slayer has made its mark on everyone in metal! Listen and you’ll see! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE] No playlist this week, …
Metalenema Episode 6-5-19 – Happy National Day of Slayer! Read More »
The Undertaker reports back from the awesome BLOOD show in Chicago, and plays a lot of death metal classics from the lineup in question! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
Advance tracks from the upcoming Sadistic Ritual and Nucleus albums! And so forth! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]
Morbid Angel’s “Altars of Madness” is 30! DBC’s “Universe” is 30! Bathory’s “Under the Sign of the Black Mark” is 32! Dolmen has a 30th anniversary release out too! Wow! We celebrate these milestones along with new tracks from Ossuaire, Darkened Nocturne Slaughtercult, and Kremlin, along with the usual awesomeness! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]