We’re so late on this! Sorry! No Halloween show this year, but we do discuss the workout regimens of slasher horror villains, along with how much we hate vinyl!
- Axothyst Rites of Ascendancy Blood of Dead God
- Blood Urn Through the Mist of Death …Of Gory Sorcery and Death
- Enochian Unholy Bible Satanic Ceremony
- 1914 Pillars of Fire (The Battle of Messines) Where Fear and Weapons Meet
- Black Funeral Chemosh of the Dust and Darkness The Dust and Darkness
- Hak-Ed Damm Perverses Prophéties Destructio Purificalis
- Sulphurous Eyes Black Fury The Black Mouth of Sepulchre
- Sammath Blazing Storm of Steel Triumph in Hatred
- Necromantia Eldritch To the Depths We Descend
- Black Jackal Strike of the Whip Forever War
- Steel Bearing Hand Lich Gate Slay In Hell
- Maiestas His Ardent Throne (DevastNecro) Purgatorium
- Agressor Epileptic Aura Towards Beyond
- Burial Dark Womb Of Outern Creation Inner Gateways To The Slumbering Equilibrium At The Center Of Cosmos
- Maleficarum Fallen Woods Across the Heavens
- Sindrome Rapture in Blood Into The Halls of Extermination
- Venefixion Ways to the Netherworld A Sigh from Below
- Vortex of End Voraciovs Egregore Ardens Fvror
- Morbific Sawmill in the Mist Ominous Seep Of Putridity
- Dödfödd En Obotlig Passion För Att Blöda Besvärjelse För Omvänd Rekreation
- Brzask Brzask II (Wind Incantation) Brzask