
Metalenema Episode 7-25-18

This week the guys spend a lot of time talking about things you don’t care about, like opportunities they missed with girls, and the fact that soap operas are bizarre. They also play some pretty good songs, though, so there’s that! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]

Metalenema Episode 7-11-18

Immolation just played in India, so we’re bringing this joke back one more time. Also, the revival of calling someone a “Dordevic”, as well as new tracks from Immortal, Embrace of Thorns, Angantyr, and more! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]

Metalenema Episode 5-16-18

Metalenema is back! The Undertaker and Slitzkrieg had a bunch of stuff to do, but now they are here again to bash your heads in (and also play some good metal). Chicago bands rule the roost this time, along with a debut from Texas’ Pious Levis! [DOWNLOAD IT HERE]