The new Sorcier Des Glaces out! Yessssssss! Also, new tracks from Svartsyn, Invincible Force, Malicious, and Grafvitnir!
- Grafvitnir Helvetesnatt Death’s Wings Widespread
- Purgatory Nemesis Enigma Omega Void Tribunal
- Svartsyn Inner Demonic Rise Requiem
- Sorcier Des Glaces (Return to the) Primitive Grandeur Un Monde de Glace et de Sang
- Impiety Reigning Armageddon Versus All Gods
- Root Asmodeus Hell Symphony
- Invincible Force Illusion of Truth Decomposed Sacramentum
- Zyklon-B Warfare Blood Must Be Shed
- Malaphar Below Perversion Arisen from Flames
- Azazel Black Candle Burning Witches Deny Holy Trinity
- Vargrav Obedient, Intolerant, Ensnared Netherstorm
- Warmoon Lord In a Rotting Memories Grave Burning Banners Of The Funereal War
- Malicious Perpetual Paranoia Deranged Hexes
- Death Worship Superion Rising Extermination Mass
- Satan Life Sentence Life Sentence
- Rotting Christ Visions Of The Dead Lover Thy Mighty Contract
- Perversion Barbaric Execution Archaic Death Metal
- Ritualization The Graveyard Coven Sacraments To The Sons Of The Abyss
- Aura Noir Fed to the Flames Out to Die
- Sabbat Hosanna in Excelsis History of a Time to Come