Deathfucker continues terrorizing our show as band of the month, along with tons of new stuff from Triumph of Death, Iron Flames, Sorcerer, and Evoked!
- Triumph of Death Horus Aggressor (Live) Resurrection of the Flesh
- Enochian Holocaust Satanic Ceremony
- Blood Manipulator / Preacher of Hatred Blood & Incantation Split 7”
- Deathfucker Impure Sacraments God Devourer
- Deathfucker Summon the Anti-God God Devourer
- Deathfucker Through Portals Of Fire God Devourer
- Verminous Chanting of Ghouls Impious Sacrilege
- Entrench Calm the Urge Violent Procreation
- Moonblood In a Bloody Night of Fullmoon Blut und Krieg
- Iron Flames Lunar Birth On The Throne Of Stone Immortal Hero Of Eternal Time
- Disma Chasm Of Oceanus Towards The Megalith
- Marduk Year of the Maggot Memento Mori
- Sorcerer Volatile Spiritual Infirmities Mirages of Crystallized Horror
- Galicia Refract the Nonsubmerged Precipice
- Misgivings The Age of Christic Sorrow Misgivings
- Necros Christos Black Mass Desecration Darkness Comes To… Live!
- Hatespawn Death Cult Ascent From The Kingdom Below
- Charon Flagellum Horribils (Trident Lash) Sulphur Seraph
- Silent Scream Open Season From the Darkest Depths of the Imagination
- Sonic Poison Repulsive Reactions Eruption
- Sonic Poison Carbonized Eruption
- Dead of Winter Come Thy Legions At the Helm of the Abyss
- Succubus Liar Destiny
- Evoked Assassins of Hades Assassins of Hades
- Mortuary Drape Rattle Breath Black Mirror
- Orion On Being and Becoming Mystierivm Cosmographicvm