Suppresion is our band of the month! Support them here. Plus awesome new stuff from Ravenous Death, Concilivm, Speckmann Prjoect, and Death Epiphany!
- Arckanum Hæxhamar Kaos Svarta Mar/ Skinning the Lambs
- Death Epiphany Militarized Apocalypse Invocation Traversing the Blood Mist
- Protector Face Fear A Shedding of Skin
- Suppression Lifelessness The Sorrow Of Soul Through Flesh
- Suppression Monochromatic Chambers The Sorrow Of Soul Through Flesh
- Suppression Self-Eaten Alive The Sorrow Of Soul Through Flesh
- Nuclear Assault The Plague The Plague
- Hobbs Angel Of Death Bubonic Plague Hobbs Angel Of Death
- Wargrinder Plague Descendants Ironclad Destroyer
- Nifelheim Belials Prey Envoy of Lucifer
- Charon Key to Nowhere – The Absolute Sulphur Seraph
- Whiplash War Monger Power And Pain
- Ravenous Death Gore Vault Dismemberment Visions From the Netherworld
- C.Y.T. Aux Dévots De La Passion Configuration of A Yearned Twilight
- Purgatory God Loves None of You Apotheosis of Anti Light
- Xibalba Itzaes Bow the Serpent in the Stone Ancients
- Watain Black Salvation Casus Luciferi
- Cornigr Devil’s Blood Funereal Harvest
- Concilivm Oneiric Abyss A Monument in Darkness
- Hearse Groans Below Traipse Across the Empty Graves
- Speckmann Project Fiends of Emptiness Fiends of Emptiness
- Nekromantheon Faustian Rites Visions of Trismegistos
- Sotherion Shrine of the Chosen Schwarmgeist
- Yog Sothots Slasher Noise Demo
- Frightful Those Who Burns for Might Spectral Creator