Metalenema Episode 1-22-25

Old Wainds continues as our band of the month, and we continue with more wintertime gems, new and old, along with new stuff from Moondark!



  1. Messiah Extreme Cold Weather Extreme Cold Weather
  2. Azaxul Winter Blood The Saints Impaled
  3. Archaic Behest Spirits That Dwell In Eternal Darkness Lore
  4. Old Wainds Of Night And Ice Stormheart
  5. Old Wainds The Eternal, The Dead, The Arcane Stormheart
  6. Moondark Where Once Was Life The Abysmal Womb
  7. Satyricon Mother North Nemesis Divina
  8. Arckanum Skoghens Minnen Voekks Kostogher
  9. Morgengrau White Death Extrinsic Pathway
  10. White Death White Death’s Power White Death
  11. Winter Servants Of The Warsmen Eternal Frost
  12. Powermad Slaughterhouse Wild At Heart V/A
  13. Omegavortex Void Possessor Black Abomination Spawn
  14. Ofermod Mystérion Tés Anomias Mystérion Tés Anomias
  15. Beherit Sadomatic Rites Drawing Down The Moon
  16. Nav’ Icy Armour On The Peak Of The World Halls Of Death
  17. Circle Of Dawn Hyperborea Savonian Supremacy
  18. Malevolent Creation The Coldest Survive Retribution
  19. Chasse-Galerie La patrie des sans âme Ars Moriendi
  20. Moonblood Under the Cold Fullmoon Blut & Krieg /Sob A Lua Do Bode
  21. Myrkr Deadly Winds And Paralyzing Cold Offspring Of Gathered Foulness
  22. Demoncy Winter Bliss Joined In Darkness
  23. Dominus A Sign From The Cryptic Winter View To The Dim
  24. Mysticum Wintermass In the Streams of Inferno