Old Wainds continues as our band of the month, and we continue with more wintertime gems, new and old, along with new stuff from Moondark!
- Messiah Extreme Cold Weather Extreme Cold Weather
- Azaxul Winter Blood The Saints Impaled
- Archaic Behest Spirits That Dwell In Eternal Darkness Lore
- Old Wainds Of Night And Ice Stormheart
- Old Wainds The Eternal, The Dead, The Arcane Stormheart
- Moondark Where Once Was Life The Abysmal Womb
- Satyricon Mother North Nemesis Divina
- Arckanum Skoghens Minnen Voekks Kostogher
- Morgengrau White Death Extrinsic Pathway
- White Death White Death’s Power White Death
- Winter Servants Of The Warsmen Eternal Frost
- Powermad Slaughterhouse Wild At Heart V/A
- Omegavortex Void Possessor Black Abomination Spawn
- Ofermod Mystérion Tés Anomias Mystérion Tés Anomias
- Beherit Sadomatic Rites Drawing Down The Moon
- Nav’ Icy Armour On The Peak Of The World Halls Of Death
- Circle Of Dawn Hyperborea Savonian Supremacy
- Malevolent Creation The Coldest Survive Retribution
- Chasse-Galerie La patrie des sans âme Ars Moriendi
- Moonblood Under the Cold Fullmoon Blut & Krieg /Sob A Lua Do Bode
- Myrkr Deadly Winds And Paralyzing Cold Offspring Of Gathered Foulness
- Demoncy Winter Bliss Joined In Darkness
- Dominus A Sign From The Cryptic Winter View To The Dim
- Mysticum Wintermass In the Streams of Inferno