Metalenema Episode 10-30-24 – Necrovoreship Special!

We celebrate the legacy of Necrovore, with a whole bunch of killer bands who were directly influenced by them! Psychotic metal at its finest!



  1. Necrovore Mutilated Death Demo 1988
  2. Necrovore Slaughtered Remains Demo 1988
  3. Necrovore Divus De Mortuus Demo 1988
  4. Necrovore Toxic Decay Demo 1988
  5. Beyond Fatal Power of Death Fatal Power of Death
  6. Degial Heretical Repugnance Predator Reign
  7. Malicious Nefarious Mutations Deranged Hexes
  8. Concrete Winds Primitive Force Primitive Force
  9. In Obscurity Revealed Beast and Serpent Glorious Impurity
  10. Pentacle Divus de Mortuus Under the Black Cross
  11. Morbid Angel Day Of Suffering Blessed Are The Sick
  12. Blood Storm Yuggothian Slayers Death By The Stormwizard
  13. Omegavortex Demonic Phantasm Omegavortex / Pious Levus
  14. Infesticide The Phosphovore Envenoming Wounds
  15. Hexenslaught Altar of Death Demo 2016
  16. Invidious Dead Salvation Spawn In Death
  17. Deathly Scythe Evil Magick Celestial Darkness
  18. Mutation Severed Souls Demo ’23
  19. Exhumation Upon Our Hordes Opus Death
  20. Graveater Kadaverik Fumes of Nekrodelirium … of Harrowing Remains
  21. Obscure Burial Darkness Spawns Obscure Burial
  22. Ensnared Kimiya Ye Al Molekhat Ravenous Damnation’s Dawn
  23. Venefixion Clavicula Salomonis A Sigh From Below
  24. Vorum Current Mouth Current Mouth
  25. Liers In Wait Liers In Wait Spiritually Uncontrolled Art
  26. Initiation Dying From Its Own Malice An Age of Darkness
  27. Sickness Nebulah Giants Daemones Sub Terra
  28. Ascended Dead Arcane Malevolence Ritus Mortuus
  29. Tempest Tempest (Dawn of the Possessed) Unending Torment
  30. Abhorration After Winter Comes War After Winter Comes War